Optical Probe for Multiphase Flow
अन्वेषक  Dr. Gargi Das, Mr. D. P. Chakraborty, Prof. P. K. Das
Patent  Filed
 The invention is an optical probe, which can identify the flow patterns in two phase systems on the basis of the difference in optical properties of the phases. It has been tested to be suitable for liquid-liquid and gas-liquid systems and can also distinguish between separated and dispersed flows. It is suitable for any flow geometry and gives an accurate estimation of the chordal average phase distributing due to its narrow probing area. It comprises of a laser source, a photo-diode located on the diametrically opposite position. The light from the source after its passage through the two phase medium is incident on the photodiode. It is converted to a voltage signal by a processing circuit and recorded in a PC via a data acquisition system. Apart from pattern detection, it can also be used to obtain an estimate of the depth of the two phases during stratified flow and the bubble characteristics in bubbly flow, etc.
विवरण के लिए कृपया संपर्क करें-
प्रभारी प्राध्यापक, IPR & IR
प्रायोजित शोध एवं औद्योगिक सलाहकारिता
भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्था खड़गपुर 721302 भारत
ई-मेल: ipr @ sric.iitkgp.ernet.in
प्रायोजित शोध एवं औद्योगिक सलाहकारिता
भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्था खड़गपुर 721302 भारत
ई-मेल: deansr @ hijli.iitkgp.ernet.in