Karanja esterified oil an alternate fuel for C. I. Engines
अन्वेषक  Dr. H. Raheman Mr. A. govindrao
Patent  Filed
 This invention relates to a process for preparing esterified karanja oil as a fuel for compressing ignition engine which process comprises the following steps:
  • Heating karanja oil within a range of from 550C to 700C
  • Adding potassium hydroxide (KOH) and methyl alcohol in predetermined amounts
  • Stirring the mixture thoroughly
  • Separating glycerol form said mixture in a known manner
  • Washing said mixture with distilled water and
  • Heating the mixture for removing water
विवरण के लिए कृपया संपर्क करें-
प्रभारी प्राध्यापक, IPR & IR
प्रायोजित शोध एवं औद्योगिक सलाहकारिता
भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्था खड़गपुर 721302 भारत
ई-मेल: ipr @ sric.iitkgp.ernet.in
प्रायोजित शोध एवं औद्योगिक सलाहकारिता
भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्था खड़गपुर 721302 भारत
ई-मेल: deansr @ hijli.iitkgp.ernet.in