Flexible Contact Tube for Rotation ARC GMA Welding
अन्वेषक  Prof. O. P. Gupta Dr. P. Rao Srinivasa
Patent  Filed
 A flexible contact tube adapted to be accommodated with any conventional Gas Metal ARC (GMA) welding torch adapted for ARC rotation, said tube of comprising slots of length 3pd/8 to 5pd/8, at spacing of d/3 to d/2.5 (where ‘d’ is the inside diameter of said contact tube). A system for ARC rotation comprising the flexible tube adapted to be accommodated with any conventional Gas Metal ARC (MGA) welding torch; the torch body; contact tip; means for attachment of the said tube between the torch body and contact tip; means for providing lateral motion to the contact tip and means for moving the contact tube. The said system for ARC rotation yields improved weld bead geometry and penetration characteristics.
विवरण के लिए कृपया संपर्क करें-
प्रभारी प्राध्यापक, IPR & IR
प्रायोजित शोध एवं औद्योगिक सलाहकारिता
भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्था खड़गपुर 721302 भारत
ई-मेल: ipr @ sric.iitkgp.ernet.in
प्रायोजित शोध एवं औद्योगिक सलाहकारिता
भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्था खड़गपुर 721302 भारत
ई-मेल: deansr @ hijli.iitkgp.ernet.in