A process of preparation polymer coated glass fiber mat
अन्वेषक  Prof. A. K. Banthia
Patent  Filed
 A process of preparing polymer coated glass fiber mat by dip coating polymer / oligomeric precursor such as herein described on glass fiber mats comprising: cleaning the glass fiber mats, with a suitable solvent such as herein described, prefiring the said cleaned glass fiber mats at a temperature ranging from 300 – 5000C for 1 – 5 hrs, cooling the said mats to room temperature; immersing the said cooled mats in 15 – 40% polymer / oligomer precursor solution, drying the said coated mats, firing the dried coated mats for 3 hrs at 4000C, cooling the said coated mats slowly to the room temperature.
विवरण के लिए कृपया संपर्क करें-
प्रभारी प्राध्यापक, IPR & IR
प्रायोजित शोध एवं औद्योगिक सलाहकारिता
भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्था खड़गपुर 721302 भारत
ई-मेल: ipr @ sric.iitkgp.ernet.in
प्रायोजित शोध एवं औद्योगिक सलाहकारिता
भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्था खड़गपुर 721302 भारत
ई-मेल: deansr @ hijli.iitkgp.ernet.in